Business networking is it for me?
One of the biggest challenges that faces small business is how to get new customers and grow their business. The world of advertising has changed hugely in the last 10 years. Gone are the days of playing golf to get contacts and meeting face to face... or are they?
Since the COVID pandemic the world has shifted towards a more virtual approach to everything, from doctors appointments to dance classes and everything in between. Before this, I like many other business owners attended networking events regularly. Giving you the opportunity to connect with local businesses and potential suppliers. I have several clients and friends who I have known for many years who I have met through these events.
Then overnight they all stopped. Like most things in our daily lives. Since then they have mostly moved online. This seemed like an amazing idea at the time to network without needing to leave the office, but it was missing the really important element that makes networking so worthwhile in the first place… in person interaction.
Although digital networking filled a gap at the time it fell flat at delivering the engagement, excitement and nerves that traditional networking always offered. One key thing to also understand is that between 70-90% of our communication is based on nonverbal signals such as body language; Helping us to gauge how we are communicating with others.
Earlier this year, I threw myself and our team back into networking. We worried that face to face meetings of old had died off with only large corporate events remaining. How wrong I was!
After several successful events, the feedback had been great! Meeting and engaging with new contacts and picking up a few new clients along the way.
From our experience over the years here our top tips to help you!
Networking top tips:
1. 1. Don’t Sell!
I know this is going to sound like a strange one to say! But if your goal at every network event is to go out and come back with 50 new clients, you’ll come away disappointed. The main aim for networking should be to talk and get to know new people! Have a chat, get to know them, understand them and in some cases they will go “ah your just what I need lets have a chat”. Sell without selling "Insist on yourself, never imitate”. by Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. There’s more to networking than “small talk.”
If you dislike small talk, here’s some encouraging news: Research indicates that most individuals favor meaningful conversations, even when meeting for the first time. In fact, deep conversations are linked to higher levels of happiness and foster a greater sense of connection between people.
Instead of: "What do you do?"
Try asking: "What do you think is the most valuable part of your work — for yourself and others? What problems do you want to help others solve? What aspects of your work do you enjoy the most, and why? What do you enjoy the least, and why?"
Instead of: "What is your current role?"
Ask: “What roles and positions have led you to where you are today? Which ones taught you the most?”
Instead of: “Where are you from?”
Ask: "What places have you lived in or travelled to through your career or studies? Which ones have had the biggest impact on you? Which was your favourite, and why?"
3. 2. Don’t be put off by the competition!
It is inevitable that by going to networking events you’ll eventually come across some one in the room that does exactly what you do… or do they? Networking when there are competitors are in the room is a really good way to benchmark your business. Rather than hiding from them or snubbing them in conversation, engage with them !
networking gives your business the opportunity to measure how your business is performing against other similar organisations, giving an indication of your strengths and areas where improvement may be required.
4. 3. Find the right network for you!
One of the most important things to get right about networking is find a group or network that is right for you. With so many out there they aren’t all one size fits all from large corporate set ups to smaller more intimate events.
It’s important to ask what sort of businesses are going to be there. You don’t want to be stuck selling ice to eskimos!
5. 4. Give it a go and get involved.
Networking for the first time will seem daunting and nerve wracking! Even the most confident of us are nervous the first time. But regular networking can help build your confidence developing your interpersonal skills and allowing you to relax enjoy and unlock the key benefits of networking!
Whether you’re a small business just getting started, looking for your first client or an establish firm looking to build your connections-networking can help everyone!
For more information on our experiences and how we can help get you involved or looking for other advice on how to grow your business get in touch with us today!

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