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Changes to CIS Certificates

22 July 2024

In future, HMRC helplines will no longer deal with requests for payment deduction statements (PDS) for the Construction Industry Scheme

With immediate effect, requests will have to be made by post by writing to HMRC.

In the past, contractors could simply phone the HMRC helpline to ask for a statement.

From 1 July 2024, HMRC stopped providing this service, stating that it had ‘made this change to improve our processes and keep your data secure’.

In future, Payment Deduction Statement will be available by writing to HMRC at the following address:

PT Operations North East England
HM Revenue and Customs

Subcontractors can also ask their contractor for a copy of any missing statements.

If your unsure of how these changes might affect you please get in touch and call us today! 

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