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Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Categories & Rates 2023/2024 2024/2025
Individuals, estates etc. £6,000 £3,000
Trusts generally* £3,000 £1,500
Tax Rates
Individuals - Up to the basic rate limit 10%** 10%**
Individuals - Above the basic rate limit 20%** 20%**
Trustees and personal representatives 20%** 20%**
Business Asset Disposal Relief***
Gains taxed at: 10% 10%
Lifetime limit £1,000,000 £1,000,000

*Where a Settlor has created more than one trust, the exemption is spread across all trusts, subject to a minimum of 1/5th of the trust annual exemption.

**Except for carried interest and chargeable gains on residential property which are taxed at 18% up to the basic rate limit and 28% (2023/2024) or 24% (2024/2025) above the basic rate limit.

***For trading businesses and companies (minimum 5% employee or director shareholding) held for at least one year.